Dr. Erfan Ibrahim's Bio
Dr. Erfan Ibrahim: Founder & CEO, The Bit Bazaar LLC (TBB)Dr. Erfan Ibrahim: Innovator in Sustainable Solutions Dr. Erfan Ibrahim is the Founder and CEO of The Bit Bazaar LLC (TBB), a full service IT and business consulting firm, offering services to clients in the High Tech, Financial Services, Healthcare, and Energy sectors. At TBB Dr. Ibrahim focuses on wireless communications, network management, and information security technologies with a particular emphasis on aligning the IT goals of his clients with their business goals for sustained competitive advantage. Dr. Ibrahim is involved in standards related work for communications, network management and cybersecurity with applications in the electric, oil & gas, chemicals and healthcare sectors. He is a frequent keynote speaker and panelist at Smart Grid related conferences in North America, Asia and Europe. During March 2008 - November 2011 Dr. Ibrahim was serving as a Technical Executive in the Intelligrid program area of the Power Delivery & Utilization Sector of EPRI. He led the research that focuses on the communications, systems management and cyber security infrastructure for the utility Smart Grid with particular emphasis on Home Area Networks (HAN), Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and Internet based Wide Area Networking. Prior to establishing The Bit Bazaar LLC, Dr. Ibrahim’s career included the following positions: VP of Sales & Marketing at Jyra Research, Product Manager for Network Management at Pacific Bell Network Integration (now AT&T), Science and Math Lecturer at National University, Nuclear Fusion Research Engineer at UCLA and Plasma Physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Dr. Ibrahim received a Ph. D. in Nuclear Engineering from University of California Berkeley, an MS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas Austin, and a B.S. Honors in Physics from Syracuse University (Suma Cum Laude). Dr. Ibrahim is a Phi Beta Kappa, a Tau Beta Pi, Who’s Who Amongst American Colleges& Universities and Who’s Who Amongst IT professionals. Specialties Communications, cyber security, network management, standards development, product management, business development, entrepreneurship |