Liv Apneseth Watson's Bio
Liv Apneseth Watson: Director of Global Business Development, WebFilings.Liv Apneseth Watson: Championing Sustainable Solutions Watson is a highly regarded expert in corporate governance, financial and CSR reporting. Liv is one of the original developers of the XBRL standard, as well as a founder of the XBRL International consortium. She has co-authored “Bringing Order to the Chaos: Integrating Sustainability Reporting Frameworks and Financial Reporting into One Report with XBRL” as part of the Harvard Business School eBook, “The Landscape of Integrated Reporting.” Working with leading market regulators, accounting associations and institutions, she has become well known as a global ambassador for IFRS and Enhanced Business Reporting concepts and speaks regularly at international events on corporate governance and reporting standards. Liv has also served in several leadership positions related to as a member of the International Accounting Standards Accounting Standards Advisory Board and the XBRL International Steering Committee. She is also an accomplished writer and commentator, having been a co-author and contributing author on several books among them, XBRL for Dummies, The Governance, Risk and Compliance Handbook, and Trust Meltdown. Her articles and commentary have been published in leading business journals, including the Harvard Business Review and Strategic Finance. In 2007, one of her articles received the Lybrand Silver Medal, and was selected for inclusion in the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) 2007 Articles of Merit. In addition, she developed one of the Institute for Management Accountants’ most successful CPE courses, “Accounting System Technology for the 21st Century.” |